Our goal is to help get families get outside where they can enjoy and spend more time together. Streeter’s Lawn & Landscape turf management program will give you a greener, healthier, thicker weed free lawn that you and your family can enjoy for years to come.
Turf Management Program:
- The First Turf Application will take place in the early Spring, (March 15th -April 15th) at which time fertilizer containing a pre-emergent and broadleaf weed control will be used.
- The Second Turf Application will take place in the late Spring, (Late April 15th – May 15th) at which time fertilizer containing a Post-emergent and broadleaf weed control will be used. (Recommended for lawns full of weeds, otherwise we will just spot treat weeds and move to step 3)
- The Third Turf Application will take place (May15th -June 15th), Weed & Feed at which time fertilizer containing only broadleaf weed control will be applied.
- The Fourth Turf Application will take place (June1st- July 15th), at which time a fertilizer W/Allectus Insecticide will be applied.
- The Fifth Turf Application will take place (September1st- November 1st), Over Seed with starter fertilizer & Solu-Cal lime. Best to combine this step with Aeration service, (This step is highly recommended).
- The Sixth Turf Application will take place (1 month after overseeding), Winterize Fertilize. This application is designed to help lawns store more Nitrogen for winter survival and encourage thick and rapid growth and rooting in the spring.